Capti Acceptable Use Policy

Please carefully review this policy before accessing Capti's network and systems. By using any Capti services ("Services"), you agree to comply with the terms outlined in this Acceptable Use Policy ("Policy").

1. Purpose

This policy outlines the rules governing the use of Capti's Services, including your responsibilities and the permitted and prohibited uses of these Services. Compliance with this Policy is essential to ensure that you and others can enjoy optimal use of our Services.

2. Application

This Policy applies to all customers who acquire Services from Capti. Your obligation to comply with this Policy extends to ensuring that anyone you grant access to your Services also adheres to these guidelines. Failure to comply with this Policy, whether by you or someone you've granted access to, may result in the suspension or termination of your Service.

3. Responsible Use

You are responsible for your actions on Capti's telecommunications network ("Network") and any systems you access through your Service. Acting recklessly or irresponsibly, endangering individuals, or compromising the integrity and security of our Network, systems, or equipment may lead to restrictions, suspensions, or terminations of your access, without prior notice.

Specifically, you agree not to use, attempt to use, or allow your Service to be used for the following purposes:

  • Storing, sending, or distributing content or material that is restricted, prohibited, or otherwise unlawful under any applicable laws, or that is likely to be offensive or obscene to a reasonable person.
  • Storing, sending, or distributing confidential information, copyright material, or other content subject to third-party intellectual property rights without lawful permission.
  • Engaging in activities such as defamation, harassment, threats, abuse, or incitement of violence or hatred against any person or class of persons, or engaging in activities that could lead to civil or criminal proceedings.
  • Engaging in any other illegal, fraudulent, or prohibited acts under any applicable laws, or breaching any code, standard, or content requirement of any competent authority.
  • Activities that interfere with other users, restrict or hinder any person from accessing, using, or enjoying the Internet, our Services, Network, or systems.
  • Forging header information, email source addresses, or other user information.
  • Unauthorized access, monitoring, or use of any data, systems, or networks, including another person's private information, or attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any data, system, or network.
  • Compromising the security or integrity of any network or system, including Capti's Network.
  • Sending, downloading, storing, or distributing viruses or other harmful programs or material.
  • Sending or distributing unsolicited advertising, bulk electronic messages, or breaching spam obligations outlined in section 5, or overloading any network or system, including Capti's Network and systems.
  • Using another person's name, username, or password or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the account of any other Customer.
  • Tampering with, hindering the operation of, or making unauthorized modifications to any network or system.
  • Authorizing, aiding, abetting, encouraging, or inciting any other person to engage in any of the above acts.

Please note that non-ordinary use, as determined by Capti, may also be deemed unacceptable. This includes activities such as reselling Services without Capti's written consent, usage for telemarketing businesses or call centers, usage of unauthorized equipment, and other non-ordinary activities that may negatively impact the Capti Network.

4. Unreasonable Use

In addition to section 3, it is considered "Unreasonable Use" of a Service if your usage is reasonably deemed by Capti to:

  • Usage in connection with an infringement or committing an offense against any law, standard, or code.

Please refer to section 3 for a more detailed description of Unreasonable Use.

5. Spam

In this Policy, "Spam" includes one or more unsolicited commercial electronic messages to which relevant laws apply. Spam-related terms have corresponding meanings.

5.1 Codes of Practice

Capti adheres to the Internet Industry Codes of Practice registered with relevant authorities. These codes set out how internet service providers, such as Capti, and email service providers must address the sources of Spam within their networks and provide information to end-users about dealing with Spam and filtering options.

5.2 Reducing Spam

To reduce the amount of Spam you receive, you can:

  • Avoid opening emails from dubious sources
  • Refrain from replying to Spam or clicking on links in Spam.
  • Decline Spam-advertised offers.
  • Block incoming mail from known Spammers.
  • Avoid posting your email address on publicly available sites or directories.
  • Use separate email addresses for different purposes.
  • Install a Spam filter on your computer.
  • Report any Spam you receive to Capti or relevant authorities.

5.3 Loss of Legitimate Email

While filtering services can reduce Spam, they may occasionally misclassify legitimate email as Spam, resulting in its loss.

5.4 Your Spam Obligations

You agree to use your Service in compliance with relevant Spam laws. This includes refraining from sending, allowing to be sent, or assisting in sending Spam, using software to harvest email addresses, hosting services that allow third-party email without authorization, or breaching Spam-related regulations.

You are also responsible for securing your devices and networks against being used to send Spam by third parties. This includes the installation and maintenance of antivirus software, firewall software, and applying necessary operating system and application software patches and updates.

Capti reserves the right to scan IP address ranges allocated to you for your Service to detect open or misconfigured mail and proxy servers. If such issues are detected, Capti may suspend or terminate your Service.

6. Excessive Use

Users must adhere to download, capacity, or usage limits specified in their service plan. Capti may limit, suspend, or terminate your Service if you unreasonably exceed these limits or excessively use network resources in a manner that hinders other customers or threatens the integrity of our Network or systems.

7. Security

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your Service, including the protection of account details, passwords, and prevention of unauthorized usage by third parties. We recommend implementing security measures such as firewalls and up-to-date antivirus software. You are liable for all charges incurred by individuals to whom you have disclosed your password and account details.

8. Copyright

It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any person regarding materials you access, download, copy, store, send, or distribute using your Service. You must not use your Service to copy, adapt, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise make available content or material subject to copyright without proper authorization.

You acknowledge and agree that Capti has the right to cease hosting and remove content from our Network or systems upon receiving complaints or allegations of copyright or intellectual property rights infringement.

9. Content

You are responsible for the content and information you choose to access on the Internet using Capti's Service. Take necessary steps to prevent children or minors who use your Service from accessing offensive or obscene content. Further information on content filtering products is available at the Communications Alliance website.

You must not use your Service to make inappropriate contact with children or minors who are not otherwise known to you. You are accountable for any content you store, send, or distribute on or via our Network and systems, including content placed or posted on web pages, email, chat or discussion forums, bulletin boards, instant messaging, SMS, and Usenet news.

Your failure to comply with these requirements may lead to immediate suspension or termination of your Service. Capti is legally obligated to report instances where the Service is used to access child pornography or child abuse material to the appropriate authorities.

10. Regulatory Authorities

You must label or clearly identify any content you generally make available using your Service in accordance with applicable classification guidelines and codes. Capti is required to cooperate fully with law enforcement and security agencies, including compliance with court orders for the interception or monitoring of our Network and systems.

You must not hinder or prevent Capti from taking necessary steps to comply with directions from regulatory authorities, law enforcement, or security agencies. Capti reserves the right to limit, suspend, or terminate your Service if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that you are engaged in illegal conduct or if your use is subject to investigation by such authorities.

11. Complaints

11.1 Complaints about Content

If you have a complaint about content accessible through your Service, you may contact relevant authorities, such as the ACMA, or Capti for assistance.

11.2 Complaints about Spam

You can report Spam to Capti using the designated "abuse@" email address or other specified contact information. Additionally, you may report Spam-related issues to relevant authorities.

12. Changes

Capti may modify this Policy and will notify you through email or service agreements. Your continued use of Capti's Service after receiving such notice constitutes acceptance of any Policy changes.

Please be sure to read and understand this Acceptable Use Policy, as compliance is necessary to ensure the responsible and acceptable use of Capti's network and systems. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the suspension or termination of your Capti Service.